Saving web server speed and CPU is something that matter to us. We've created the pCache class to help you
dealing with the fact that a chart can be computed once and displayed many times by different users. The pCache
class can be used to simplify server side cache management. In green, the normal process : retrieve data, compute
and display, in orange the cost saving path, retrieve the data, check if we have already computed it and
display it!
You'll find bellow a short summary of all the embeded function and their related parameters. Functions categories :
void pCache($CacheFolder="Cache/")
This function create a new pCache object. This object will be used to access the processed data cache. You can
optionnaly specify the cache folder to use.
- $MyCache = new pCache();
- $MyCache = new pCache("/tmp/");
// This will create a new pCache object with default cache folder
$MyCache = new pCache();
// This will create a new pCache object setting the cache folder to /tmp/
$MyCache = new pCache("/tmp/");
void IsInCache($ID,$Data,$Hash="")
This function can be used to check if the dataseries you're currently working on has already been
computed and is stored in the cache. This will return TRUE or FALSE. This function accept a Dataset
as first parameter, see the
pData class for more informations.
ID is used to uniquely indentify your drawing script.
- $MyCache->IsInCache("Pic#1",$DataSet->GetData());
// This will return TRUE if this chart has already been rendered
void GetFromCache($ID,$Data)
This function will retrieve a chart from the cache if it already exists. The picture will be sent to the
browser the same way as if you're invoking the
function of the pChart class.
ID is used to uniquely indentify your drawing script. If the cache can be used,
the picture will be send to the browser the same way then calling the Stroke() function, no other lines of your script
will be processed after this line.
- $MyCache->GetFromCache("Pic#1",$DataSet->GetData());
// This will check the cache for an existing copy and Stroke it.
void WriteToCache($ID,$Data,$Picture)
Use this function to make a copy of the rendered chart to your cache folder. This function is mandatory for the pCache
to work properly. This function must be called at the end of your rendering script before the Stroke() or Render() call.
ID is used to uniquely indentify your drawing script.
$Data is the dataset used to draw the chart.
is the name of the pChart object containing the chart.
- $MyCache->WriteToCache("Pic#1",$DataSet->GetData(),$Picture);
// This will save the rendered picture in the cache folder.
void DeleteFromCache($ID,$Data)
This function can be used to delete the cached copy of the chart ( if it exists ).
ID is used to uniquely indentify your drawing script.
- $MyCache->DeleteFromCache("Pic#1",$DataSet->GetData());
// This will delete any cached copy of this chart.
void ClearCache()
Calling this function will clear the cache folder.
// This will cleanup the cache folder.