Last release: 1.27d
a PHP Class to build Charts
pChart 2.x is born, you can start moving your script to this new version. The new website is at
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Documentation Contents
Class definition
Digging with pChart
Basic Examples
Advanced Examples
pData.class - Data management for the pChart library

This class is designed to help you managing the data used to create the charts. You'll find bellow a short summary of all the embeded function and their related parameters. Functions categories :

Class initialisation
Data populating methods
Series manipulation methods
  SetAbsciseLabelSerie($SerieName = "Name")
  SetXAxisName($Name="X Axis")
  SetYAxisName($Name="Y Axis")
Series manipulation methods

See the datastructure help for more informations on how to use the datasets. This will help you to better understand what is the purpose of this class.

void pData()

This function create a new pData object. This object will be used during all the steps of the data population. Data will be extracted from this object using GetData() and GetDataDescription().
  // This will create a new pData object
  $DataSet = new pData();
void ImportFromCSV($FileName,$Delimiter=",",$DataColumns=-1,$HasHeader=FALSE,$DataName=-1)

This function is used to import CSV files (local or remote). Many arguments can be used. The default column delimiter is the comma character.
  // This will import the file using each column as a serie

  // This will import the local file path/to/myData.csv using each column as a serie

  // .. setting the column separator to pipe

  // .. import only the data from column 1

  // .. import only the data from column 1,2 & 3

  // .. the file contains an header that will be used to name the series

  // .. column 0 will be used as label for the horizontal axis
.. for example, dealing with the following file :

  ID     January     February     March  
0 1 0.5
1.204119983 4 2
4.294091292 9 4.5

..and importing the data with the following command ( assuming separator character is a comma ):
Will populate all the Data & DataStructure fields.

void AddPoint($Value,$Serie="Serie1",$Description="")

This function can be used to add one or multiple points to a data serie. By default points are added to Serie1.
  // This will the value 25 as the last point of Serie1

  // This will the value 2,4,9,5,1,0 as the last point of Serie1

  // This will the value 12 as the last point of Serie2

  // .. and add the desciption "March" to the Serie2
void AddSerie($SerieName="Serie1")

This function can be used to add a new data serie to the DataDescription object. All the series declared in this object will be graphed when calling a chart function of the pChart class. There is no change on Data, only the "Graphable" attribute is modified.
  // Generate some data...

  // This will mark both Serie1 & Serie2 as "graphable" but not Serie3
void AddAllSeries()

This function can be used to set all data series as graphable. They'll all be graphed when calling a chart function of the pChart class. There is no change on Data, only the "Graphable" attribute is modified.
  // Generate some data...

  // This will mark both Serie1 & Serie2 as "graphable"
void RemoveSerie($SerieName="Serie1")

This function can be used to remove a data series from the graphable ones. They'll all be graphed when calling a chart function of the pChart class. There is no change on Data, only the "Graphable" attribute is modified.
  // Generate some data...

  // This will mark both Serie1 & Serie2 as "graphable"

  // This will remove the "graphable" status of Serie2
void SetAbsciseLabelSerie($SerieName = "Name")

This function can be used to set which serie is used (if any) as abcisse value
  // Generate some data...

  // This will mark both Serie1 & Serie2 as "graphable"

  // Set Serie as abcisse label
void SetSerieName($Name,$SerieName="Serie1")

This function can be used to set the description of a serie. This description will be written on the graph when calling the drawLegend function
  // Generate some data...

  // This will set the name of Serie1 to "January"

  // This will set the name of Serie2 to "February"
void SetXAxisName($Name="X Axis")

This will give a name to the X axis, writting it horizontally behind the chart
  // Give the label "Samples" to the X axis
void SetYAxisName($Name="Y Axis")

This will give a name to the Y axis, writting it horizontally behind the chart
  // Give the label "Temperature" to the Y axis
void SetXAxisFormat($Format="number")

With this function you can set the format of the X axis values. Todays formats are the following :

   - number used by defaults
   - time amount of seconds will be displayed as HH:MM:SS
   - date unix timestamp will be displayed as a date
   - metric number that will be displayed with k/m/g units
   - currency currency with custom unit
  // Set X values format as date
void SetYAxisFormat($Format="number")

With this function you can set the format of the Y axis values. Todays formats are the following :

   - number used by defaults
   - time amount of seconds will be displayed as HH:MM:SS
   - date unix timestamp will be displayed as a date
   - metric number that will be displayed with k/m/g units
   - currency currency with custom unit
  // Set Y values format as date
void SetXAxisUnit($Unit="")

Set the axis unit. This will be appended to the axis values.
  // Give the "km" unit to the X axis
void SetYAxisUnit($Unit="")

Set the axis unit. This will be appended to the axis values.
  // Give the "m/s" unit to the Y axis
void removeSerieName($SerieName)

This function can be used to remove the description of a serie. This description will be written on the graph when calling the drawLegend function. Removing it's name using this function can be usefull to hide previously used series ( to fill area for exemple )
  // Generate some data...

  // This will set the name of Serie1 to "January"

  // This will set the name of Serie2 to "February"
void GetData()

This function is used everytime you want to retrieve the Data stored in the pData structure
  // Generate some data...

  // This will display all the data stored in the DataSet
void GetDataDescription()

This function is used everytime you want to retrieve the Data description stored in the pData structure
  // Generate some data...

  // This will mark both Serie1 & Serie2 as "graphable"

  // This will set the name of Serie1 to "January"

  // This will display all the data stored in the DataSet
Last updated on 08/17/2008