Example #11 - Pie graphs
Pie chart are slightly differents than classical line / curve / plot chart.
First of all they can only
accept one serie of data ( Serie1 in this example ). You can also specify in another serie the label
associated to each points ( Serie2 in this example ). In this example we're manually feeding the
series using the
AddPoint() method of the
pData class.
Then we're associating Serie2 as the Abscise serie using the
SetAbsciseLabelSerie() function.
We're then calling the
drawPieGraph() and
drawPieLegend() functions to
draw the graph.
Running this script will create a example10.png file in the current directory.
Source code :
// Standard inclusions
// Dataset definition
$DataSet = new pData;
// Initialise the graph
$Test = new pChart(380,200);
// Draw the pie chart
If you want to send the picture directly in a browser, replace the Render() command by Stroke(). |
Last updated on 05/16/2008 |